How do I fix the read-only problem?
I have created two accounts and they are having the same problem.
At the bottom of the workspace board I get this -
This is a read-only Zenhub Board.To edit this Board, you must have write permissions for this workspace.
Hey @abh7889,
Welcome to the Zenhub community!
If you’re seeing a banner at the bottom of the board, it’s likely because you don’t have write access for the GitHub repositories in your workspace. To resolve this, just take a moment to double-check your permissions with GitHub. You can find more information on this topic in our support article here: GitHub Permissions and Access in Zenhub.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. We’re here to help!
Actually I have created the Zenhub account using GitHub. And the GitHub repository belongs to my own account. Yet I get this problem
Hey @abh7889
Sounds like we might need to investigate this a bit further! Would you mind popping an email in support@zenhub so that we can gather the details from you?
apparently it got fixed all of sudden 
, I am not sure few hours back I was getting it, Probably something got patched. Thanks for your time