Reporting to show Contributors working on an issue

To show what stories (issues) are being picked up by a user (contributor) at any given time.

So the report would show which user picked up a ticket in the past and also in the present.

Is this possible?

Hi there! Filtering your workspace by assignee is probably the best option to see who has picked up what issues :mag:. You could also leverage the GitHub API if you were trying to find historical information. You can check out their API documentation here: GitHub REST API - GitHub Docs

Hey Julie,

So how do you filter your workspace by assignee? Our workspaces are just that - workspaces and I don’t see individuals.



Hey James,
Do you see an option at the top filter line for “Assignees”? You can filter by team members on there!

Thank you Julie. The request I need to do is to historically show that information. And you’ve mentioned Github REST API. I am not technical so difficult to understand. Is there anything to point me in the right direction? Is this something your tech team can help with?
Where would the output be?