I’m putting together some reports for my team, and I’m hoping to include data that includes assignments to devs who’ve since left our organization.
It seems that when I request these issues from the API, the assignments are empty. The same is true of the UI - I can’t see that previous assignment, it’s as though this developer never existed in our organization.
Is there anyway I can make an API request that includes the assignees for my zenhub issues even if the user is no longer in the organization?
Thanks for the question. Unfortunately this is the behaviour of issues in GitHub. When a user is removed from a GitHub organization their issue assignment is removed from GitHub issues.
You could attempt to extract the assignment by doing an audit of each issue’s timeline history via the timelineItems field (see docs). From there you can try to find what was the same “Issue was assigned to {…}” record, to determine who the last assignee was, but I’m not sure if that information will contain sufficient data for your reports.