Filtering for closed releases


We’re currently transitioning to using Zenhub. One of our teams performs a retrospective after releases where issues each team member completed is displayed and discussed. In devtopia, we would do “is:issue is:closed milestone:XXX”

In Zenhub however, they are unable to filter on a closed release. And because we’re moving to using releases instead of milestones, they can’t use their old method via devtopia either.

Any suggestions?

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Hey there!
After your release is closed, would scrolling down in the release report to see all of the issues that were part of it be helpful?

What I really like about this option is seeing what was part of scope, or what was removed.

Would that option work for your team?

It’s what they’re going to use for now but it doesn’t allow them to group/filter issue by assignee. It would significantly change how they perform their retrospectives to do it this way