Feedback on the new look

Didn’t see a place for this so I figured I’d open a thread for anyone who has feedback on the new look.

For my part, I don’t like that the cards are now much larger than they used to be, at least in my board. It rather goes against this quote from the changelog:

Optimized space utilization for better information density

It would be nice if I could customise what’s displayed in the “condensed view” so I still have all the vital information, and can toggle more information on when I need it. As is, the condensed view hides too much to be useful for me.

I think probably my biggest problem with it is that the avatar gets a line all to itself. Look at all that wasted vertical space!

Hi Guy,

Thanks for the feedback - with the rise of 4k screens across our userbase we felt the time was right to make the cards slightly bigger.

For those customers in the Early Access Program for Issue Types, the top line has more than just the avatar. (Issue Type / Dependency / High Priority), but I agree, without those showing - there’s quite a bit of wasted space.

We have some additional optimizations we’re going to roll out which should address most of what you’ve posted, stay tuned and keep the feedback coming!

Additionally, the PR Reviewer avatars and review states on Issue <> PR linked cards will be coming back soon.

We just pushed out an update to the issue cards to address some of the feedback. We’ve increased density slightly, re-added pull request reviewer states for connected PRs, made the issue numbers more prominent and made some more layout improvements to “Condensed View”.

Give it a try and let us know what you think

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Nice, it definitely feels like there’s less wasted space now.