Is Zenhub ok? Feels like its on fire


I championed Zenhub at my company a while back. We were very happy with it until recently, as it feels like the app suffers from regression after regression. Quality is suffering big time. A couple of issues.

  • Drag and Drop to close only works sometimes.
  • Cant upload pictures to descriptions.
  • Workspace edits won’t save, and its configuration is different for every user.
  • Metadata for issues not loading at all times (releases,epics,labels, etc).
  • Sometimes, users can’t create epics or issues
  • Sometimes, the screen goes completely black while trying to create an issue
  • Inline issue creating is supper spotty. Sometimes it works for some people; sometimes, it doesn’t

Is anyone from support looking at this? or maybe @Evhaus.from.Zenhub

Listen, I’m the Director of Engineering in my company. I understand bugs happen. But, this many and the product seems to be regressing. Unless this is isolated to just our account. I would by now have either rolled back the zh issues feature (seem to suspiciously correlate) or have all hands on deck to try and stabilize the app.

Hi Luis. I just sent you an email. Let’s get in touch and ensure we address these problems ASAP!