Can't reprioritise, and send to top not working when filtered


We find it quite difficult to find a ticket “in context” - ie. a ticket is buried somewhere in a column, we use search to find it, but then lose it again when you clear the search. With board v1, we were able to work around this by using “send to top” when the board is filtered so we can at least locate the ticket for reprioritisation when we clear the search. However, this no longer seems to work in board v2 - send to top doesn’t seem to do anything when there’s a filter applied. (We also have a high pri ticket pinned to the top, not sure if this in involved).

So the underlying problem is that it’s hard to find a ticket and reprioritise it if you’ve used search to locate the ticket; also, there seems to be a bug with send to top when filters are applied.


Ahhh, good find. That’s not expected.

Not sure when we’ll get a fix out for that, so in the meantime, when you find that issue via filtering, select it and use the “Send to Top” in the right sidebar of the flyover. Works as expected.

Not as perfect as using the triple dot action menu, but pretty close…