We recently added the zenhub integration to our slack workspace. Permissions set from both sides, each workspace has a channel associated. The slash commands are visible and working, you can create issues from slack, and updates to these issues are sent to the corresponding thread in slack.
However, there are zero notifications on changes if the issue was not created in slack. Not in the designated channel, and not via DM to the connected users.
From the Github integration, I’m used to almost too verbose notifications, but here we are struggling to get anything. Is there something obvious I am missing, or is the integration currently dysfunctional?
I was also kind of hoping for at least two more functions:
New issues and changes to issues are posted to the associated channel.
Bonus points if you can configure what changes you want to be notified about
Issues assigned to you / changes to these issues are sent via DM.
This is for us the basic functionality of the GitHub extension. Because of the limitations to importing repositories, we were hoping to use zenhub issues more, but notification settings need to be aligned with what we can get from GitHub.
We investigated your issue and found that the Zenhub bot didn’t get auto-invited to your Slack channel for some reason. Can you invite them via /invite @Zenhub then try pasting the Zenhub issue link again. Hopefully that fixes the problem.
I was also kind of hoping for at least two more functions
Thanks for those ideas. I agree. Those additions would be super cool. We’ll include those for consideration in future improvements to our Slack integration!