Predicted Sprint and Auto Sprint Assignment

Psttt we added something cool!

Zenhub can now let you know when an issue will be worked on by predicting which sprint it will fit into! You will notice a new sprint tag appear on your issues to help you sprint plan for the future.


You can also automatically assign the current sprint to an issue when it is moved into your sprint backlog or onwards. If it’s moved back into your backlog, the sprint will be removed for you. This will help you and your team maintain your sprint hygiene automatically and improve the quality of your reports.

An added enhancement of our sprint automations means that when a new sprint starts, it will automatically move your issues in your prioritized backlog into your sprint backlog. To ensure both of these features work as intended, make sure to configure your pipelines following the instructions below.

Lastly, you now have the ability to add a description or sprint goal to your sprints directly in the sprint page. These goals will show up in your reports and the roadmap to stay on track and find historical sprint goals! Sprint - modify.gif|560.0x322.0

Don’t forget to configure your pipelines

In order for Zenhub to properly auto assign and populate your sprint backlog you will need to be sure to turn on automated sprints as well as configure your pipelines. You can do this easily within our ‘Modify Reoccurring Sprints’ section.

We can’t wait for you to try these out!

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