How can I find the pipelineID for my pipeline to use as a variable in my GraphQL query

I want to retrieve issues by pipelineID in a GraphQL query, but I don’t know how to get the pipelineID. Is there a query or somewhere to go in ZenHub to get the pipelineID?

Hey @loripusey,

Here’s a query you can use to get all the pipelines in a given workspace:

  workspace (id: "myWorkspaceIdHere") {
    pipelinesConnection {
      nodes {

Hope that helps!

I was able to find the pipeline id using the query, but when I plug it into my searchIssuesByPipeline query it returns a 500 error. I’ve checked the Bearer token and it is correct and works in other queries.

It looks like you’ve entered the repo ID as provided by Github.

Please try the following query to find your repositoryId per Zenhub:

query ($workspaceId: ID!) { 
workspace(id: $workspaceId) { 
        repositories {


  "workspaceId": "yourworkspaceIDhere"

The Github repo ID is returned as the id

That worked, thank you!