Cannot use template on quick created issues

When I create issues via the quick create option in the top of each pipeline, I cannot afterwards select a template for the issue, which is quite annoying. Or am I missing something, is it possible to add a template after creation?

So the Quick create actually makes it harder, because then I need to manually add the things that are included in the templates.

Hi Ken,

You are correct that the Quick Issue Create feature doesn’t use templates. The intention is to give you a super-fast way to jot things down that you can expand on later.

Your feedback has already been noted, we’re going to aim to keep this feature as quick/fast/lightweight as possible, but I agree that some form of template support would be useful. This isn’t on our near-term roadmap, but we’re always working to improve Zenhub for everyon…

Keep your suggestions coming!

Hi George

I completely agree, there should be this superfast way of adding an issue with just a title. I don’t want that to change. It is the expansion afterwards, I am not able to apply a template afterwards, when I have time to expand on the issue, when editing details. That makes the superfast creation more cumbersome :slight_smile:

Regards, Kenneth

Regards, Kenneth