How do you interact with Epics and Issues in ZH?

Hello! I am Yoli from the ZenHub Product Team. We would love to gather your feedback on how you currently interact with epics and issues in ZenHub!

Which statement best describes the way you use ZenHub?

  • I create an epic first, then add existing issues from the board.
  • I create an epic first, then create new issues within the epic.
  • I create many issues first that I then group into an epic.
  • Other (describe in the thread)

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We are looking forward to your responses!

I put ‘other’ just because I really use a mix of all of these options, just depends how much planning we’ve done prior to putting in tickets. If we’ve already written up requirements, I usually create the epics first. Other times, I just put in tickets as they are thought of and then create the epics as we see fit.


Thank you, Chris, for sharing these helpful insights. Quick question, how was your first-time experience grouping issues into an epic? How easy was distinguish how to group them?

I have found grouping issues into epics very easy, and one of my favorite features (especially since it ties in so nicely with the roadmap).

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Agreed, its also a mix and match for us, depending on the situation. So all options is needed

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We pretty much have to create issues then assign to an epic because if you create issues from within the epic (which frankly we’d prefer to do) you don’t get access to the Templates dropdown.